Evaluation of Personality
I found this inventory in a magazine more than ten years ago. I cannot say which magazine since I copied it on a pad paper. Here it is:
YES= 3
NO= 1
1. When working on a task, do you work rapidly? ____
2. Do you strive to do everythings in the most efficient manner? ____
3. Can you enjoy doing nothing productive for several hours or days? ____
4. Do you wait in line patiently, as in a grocery store or bank? ____
5. Do you do two things one at a time, such as read and eat, talk on the phone and scribble? ____
6. Do you stay relaxed when you have a deadline to meet? ____
7. Do you get impatient when someone else is slow/inefficient in doing a job? ____
8. Do you act spontaneously without planning carefully ahead or weighing all the consequences? ____
9. Do you hurry through routinary, repetitive acts such as washing the dishes, making out deposit slips? ____
10. Do you try to hurry other people/ tell them how to do things? ____
11. Do you live pretty much in the present, enjoying the beauty and excitement of everyday life? ____
12. Do you listen to others more than you talk about your own interests? ____
13. When in a car, do you get impatient/ angry with slow or erratic drivers? ____
14. When you think about your situation in life, are you satisfied with what you have accomplished? ____
Add scores in numbers 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13 (set A) and 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14 (set B)
>You have an A Personality if your score is higher in set A
>>> Characterized by impatience, restlessness, aggressiveness, competitiveness, intolerance to frustration.
>>> Prone to heart disease
> You have a B Personality if your score is higher in set B
>>> Experiences no pressing deadlines or conflicts and is relatively free of any sense of time, urgency or hostility.
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